Sciences and Technologies for Substainable Agriculture <p><strong>Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture (STSA)</strong></p> <p><span lang="en"><strong> Peer-reviewed</strong> scientific journal edited by the National University of Agriculture of Benin. </span><span lang="en">Journal intended to encourage and support the development of sustainable agriculture in Africa and elsewhere.</span></p> Université Nationale d’Agriculture (UNA). en-US Sciences and Technologies for Substainable Agriculture 1659-634X <p>COPYRIGTH CONSEIL SCIENTIFIQUE UNA 2021</p> Usage et conservation de Tetrapleura tetraptera Schumach et Thonn : un aperçu ethnobotanique auprès des populations au Sud-Bénin <p>Cette&nbsp; étude &nbsp;explore &nbsp;l'usage &nbsp;diversifié &nbsp;et les défis associés &nbsp;à la conservation de <em>Tetrapleura tetraptera </em>dans &nbsp;le Sud-Bénin. &nbsp;Face à la problématique de la surexploitation des ressources végétales, l'objectif était &nbsp;de documenter les différentes utilisations de la plante &nbsp;et d'évaluer l'impact &nbsp;de l'exploitation sur sa viabilité. À travers &nbsp;un échantillonnage aléatoire de 335 individus dans &nbsp;cinq communes, des données ethnobotaniques et sociodémographiques ont été recueillies par des que stionnaires structurés. Les résultats montrent une prédominance de l'usage &nbsp;médicinal (99% des répondants), notamment pour &nbsp;le traitement des maux &nbsp;de ventre, fibromes &nbsp;et hémorroïdes, avec une méthode de décoction utilisée &nbsp;dans 61% des cas. Les usages alimentaires, médico-magiques et spirituels varient significativement entre &nbsp;les groupes &nbsp;socioculturels. La pression &nbsp;accrue sur toutes &nbsp;les parties &nbsp;de la plante &nbsp;met &nbsp;en péril &nbsp;sa présence, nécessitant des mesures &nbsp;urgentes de conservation. En conclusion, il est impéra tif de développer des stratégies de gestion &nbsp;durable pour &nbsp;préserver les bienfaits écologiques, culturels et médicinaux de <em>Tetrapleura tetraptera </em>pour &nbsp;les générations futures.</p> François Gbesso Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 1 9 Analyse de fonctionnement du marché de l’offre en banane douce à l’Ouest Cameroun <p>L’étude analyse &nbsp;de fonctionnement de l’offre en banane douce &nbsp;dans les marchés urbains et ruraux de la Menoua. &nbsp;Il est basé sur &nbsp;des enquêtes par questionnaires auprès &nbsp;de</p> <p>122 acteurs de commercialisation de la banane douce dans la Menoua. &nbsp;Du fait de la rareté de la banane dessert &nbsp;produit par les Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP), on observe une forte dynamique autour de la commercialisation de la banane douce. &nbsp;Dans cette &nbsp;activité, les femmes sont les plus dominanc es près de 79 % contre &nbsp;21 % des hommes. L’âge moyen &nbsp;des acteurs est de 43 ans. Environ &nbsp;55 % des acteurs ont atteint le niveau &nbsp;d’étude secondaire. L’offre de la banane douce &nbsp;e st fortement saisonnière, avec des périodes d’abondance (novembre à mars) et de rareté (avril à octobre). Avec la forte demande dans les grandes &nbsp;villes pour des mets divers,&nbsp; les bayams &nbsp;sellams, &nbsp;parcourent au quotidien les marchés ruraux et urbains pour &nbsp;les approvisionnements en banane douce. &nbsp;On observe &nbsp;une instabilité des prix d ans les marchés, ainsi, &nbsp;les prix d’achat et les prix de revente sont &nbsp;fonction &nbsp;de la saison, &nbsp;du régime &nbsp;et de l’accessibilité du marché. En effet, entre &nbsp;les prix d’achat moyens &nbsp;varient de 711 FCFA à 2090 &nbsp;FCFA et les prix de revente moyens &nbsp;sont de 1025 FCFA à 2743 FCFA, on observe &nbsp;une plus-value, montrant qu’en dépit &nbsp;des conditions de transport et logistique complexe, l’activité est rentable. Bien que cette &nbsp;activité soit génératrice de revenus, les acteurs font face à de fortes contraintes.</p> Abdoulay Njankouo Nsangou Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 10 20 Stratégies d’adaptation aux contraintes agro-climatiques dans l’arrondissement de Zounguè, commune de Dangbo au Bénin <p>Climatic &nbsp;constraints are a brake &nbsp;on the development of agricultural production. As long as agriculture remains essentially ra in-fed, the agro-climatic parameters present it with &nbsp;constraining particularities. The purpose of this &nbsp;work &nbsp;is to contribute to a better knowledge of the &nbsp;climatic &nbsp;constraints which &nbsp;affect &nbsp;agricultural production in the district of Zounguè. &nbsp;The methodological approach used is based &nbsp;on the identification of the data &nbsp;used, the collection of data &nbsp;through documentary research and fieldwork, their &nbsp;processing and &nbsp;the &nbsp;analysis &nbsp;of the &nbsp;results &nbsp;carried out &nbsp;by means &nbsp;of the &nbsp;SWOT (Strenghs-Weaknesses-Opportunities) model. &nbsp;-Threats). Data &nbsp;was&nbsp; collected from &nbsp;73 agricultural producers in the &nbsp;study &nbsp;area. &nbsp;The results &nbsp;obtained show &nbsp;that &nbsp;producers have &nbsp;a number of natural and &nbsp;human potentialities for agricultural development. However, &nbsp;these potentialities are under &nbsp;the influence of certain agricultural and climatic &nbsp;conditions which have drastically affected &nbsp;the production of farmers. &nbsp;Among these constraints, we can retain &nbsp;in order &nbsp;of their &nbsp;importance the climatic &nbsp;constraints (40%); &nbsp;the anthropogenic or human constraints (38%) &nbsp;and &nbsp;the constraints of pests (22%). Faced with thse constraints, the farmers &nbsp;of Zouguè develop &nbsp;strategies to cope with.&nbsp; These are endo genous &nbsp;strategies which&nbsp; include &nbsp;rearrangement of agricultural calendar, crop rotation, developpment of lowlands, associations of crops and auctionning of field perimeters and developpment of alternative activities. Modern &nbsp;strategies highlight the use of short-cycle varieties, the use of chemical fertilizers and phytosaitary products.</p> Akibou Abaniché Akindele Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 21 28 Agriculture urbaine : contraintes et options pour la ville de Porto-Novo, Bénin <p>Au cours des dernières années, &nbsp;la ville de Porto-Novo, située &nbsp;au sud du Bénin, a connu &nbsp;une forte pression &nbsp;démographique ainsi qu'une &nbsp;importante recomposition spatiale. Cette &nbsp;situation a eu pour &nbsp;conséquence une &nbsp;diminution de la disponibilité des terres &nbsp;agri coles dans &nbsp;la région. &nbsp;Afin de répondre aux besoins &nbsp;alimentaires croissants de la ville, de créer &nbsp;des emplois &nbsp;et de gérer &nbsp;l'environnement urbain de manière durable, l'agriculture urbaine a été identifiée com me une opportunité par les autorités politico- administratives locales. Cette étude &nbsp;visait à identifier les contraintes au développement de l'agriculture urbaine à Porto-Novo &nbsp;et à déterminer les types d'agriculture urbaine adaptés à la ville. La méthodologie de l'étude &nbsp;a consisté &nbsp;en une recherche documentaire sur l'agriculture urbaine, ainsi qu'en&nbsp; des entretiens avec des personnes ressources impliquées dans &nbsp;la promotion de l'agriculture urbaine au Bénin. Les résultats ont révélé &nbsp;des contraintes majeures comme &nbsp;l’acc ès difficile&nbsp; aux terres &nbsp;agricoles, l’insécurité foncière &nbsp;et l’accès limités aux crédits. &nbsp;Les types d'agriculture urbaine adaptés identifiés comprennent les jardins &nbsp;résidenti els, communautaires, institutionnels, et les fermes urbaines. Les autorités locales de la ville de Porto-Novo &nbsp;devraient promouvoir l’agriculture urbaine car elle offre des avantages tels que la sécurité alimentaire, la création d’emplois et une gestion &nbsp;environnementale durable. Un plan&nbsp; stratégique pour &nbsp;son développement est recommandé afin de maximise r ces bénéfices &nbsp;pour &nbsp;la population de Porto-Novo.</p> Idelphonse O. Saliou Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 29 34 Levée des graines et croissance des plantules de néré sous différents régimes d’irrigations en pépinière au Bénin <p>Commonly &nbsp;known &nbsp;as the &nbsp;African locust &nbsp;bean, &nbsp;Parkia &nbsp;biglobosa (Jack, &nbsp;R. BR.) is a food species &nbsp;whose &nbsp;importance is well recogni zed both &nbsp;regionally and &nbsp;internationally. This study, conducted in 2022, evaluates the effects of irrigation regimes and growing &nbsp;media &nbsp;aims to determine the optimal conditions for seed germination and the growth of young &nbsp;Parkia &nbsp;biglobosa seedlings &nbsp;in a nursery setting. The &nbsp;experimental design &nbsp;used &nbsp;is a Complete &nbsp;Randomized Block (CRB) w ith &nbsp;four &nbsp;replications. Each &nbsp;of them consisting of six treatments. Statistical analyses &nbsp;were &nbsp;performed using SPSS version &nbsp;21, and &nbsp;Tukey's test &nbsp;was applied with &nbsp;a significance le vel of 5%. The results &nbsp;showed that &nbsp;bi-daily &nbsp;watering (morning and evening) every other &nbsp;day under &nbsp;shade &nbsp;significantly (P &lt; 0.05) &nbsp;improved seed germination and seedl ing growth. Under the shade, &nbsp;the first &nbsp;seed &nbsp;germination occurred approximately three &nbsp;weeks &nbsp;(20.97 &nbsp;days &nbsp;±3.81) &nbsp;after &nbsp;sowing, &nbsp;with &nbsp;a germination speed &nbsp;of 29.04 &nbsp;days &nbsp;±3.1 and &nbsp;a germination rate &nbsp;of</p> <p>36.81% &nbsp;±11.36. The bi-daily &nbsp;irrigation regime &nbsp;promoted the &nbsp;germination of 42.50% &nbsp;±6.46 of the &nbsp;seeds. &nbsp;Additionally, watering every &nbsp;two &nbsp;days &nbsp;slightly &nbsp;outperf ormed daily watering across all germination variables studied (latency time, &nbsp;speed, &nbsp;duration, and germination rate). &nbsp;Regarding the &nbsp;growth &nbsp;of young &nbsp;seedlings, &nbsp;bi-daily &nbsp;watering every &nbsp;other &nbsp;day resulted in better diameter (0.33 &nbsp;cm) and &nbsp;height &nbsp;(16.17 &nbsp;cm) growth, while &nbsp;the&nbsp; shaded &nbsp;environment only favored &nbsp;height &nbsp;growth &nbsp;(14.6 &nbsp;cm). Finally, &nbsp;this experiment showed &nbsp;that, &nbsp;unlike &nbsp;the growth &nbsp;of young seedlings, &nbsp;Parkia &nbsp;biglobosa seeds are less demanding of light for their &nbsp;germination. Therefore, it is essential to water the pots every morning and evening, &nbsp;spaced &nbsp;at least one day apart.</p> Alimi Tassiki Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 35 44 Perception des marques alimentaires locales par rapport aux marques alimentaires étrangères en Afrique : l’exemple du Bénin <p>De nos jours, les consommateurs africains &nbsp;perçoivent moins bien les marques alimentaires étrangères par rapport aux marques a limentaires locales. &nbsp;De ce fait, l’objectif de ce travail consiste &nbsp;à identifier les déterminants de la bonne &nbsp;perception des marques alimentaires locales &nbsp;par &nbsp;rapport aux marques alimentaires étrangères. Les résultats d’une étude &nbsp;qualitative menée &nbsp;auprès &nbsp;de vingt et un consommateurs au Bénin mettent en évidence six déterminants : le risque de toxicité, &nbsp;la faible qualité organoleptique, la faible capacité nutritive, la vente &nbsp;sur le marché des marques alimentaires étrangères contrefaites, la stimulation de la c onsommation des marques alimentaires locales par les politiques publiques et l’émergence de la consommation des marques de produits biologiques. Nous montrons aussi que la bonne perception des marques alimentaires locales &nbsp;par rapport aux marques alimentaires étrangères est due à l’observation d’un ensemble de mauvaises caractéristiques l iées aux marques alimentaires étrangères et à la réalisation de notables efforts sur les marques alimentaires locales. &nbsp;Cette recherche permet d’aider les entreprises locales &nbsp;à être&nbsp; plus compétitives que les entreprises étrangères sur le marché local à travers &nbsp;la commercialisation des marques alimentaires de bonne &nbsp;qualité en général &nbsp;et biologiques en particulier.</p> Abdou Kadiri Imorou Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 45 52 Le zaï : dépasser la pénibilité d’une pratique agroécologique chez les producteurs de mil à Ndiob (Sénégal) <p>The aim of this article &nbsp;is to share &nbsp;the results &nbsp;of the capitalization study &nbsp;conducted by the &nbsp;Initiative Prospective Agricole &nbsp;et Rurale &nbsp;in July &nbsp;2021 &nbsp;on the &nbsp;practice of zaï by millet &nbsp;producers in the municipality of Ndiob in Senegal, &nbsp;and thus &nbsp;contribute to ongoing &nbsp;reflections on possible &nbsp;agroecological transition dynamics in Africa. To this end, a review &nbsp;of the &nbsp;scientific &nbsp;and &nbsp;technical literature on zaï and &nbsp;2 technical meetings with &nbsp;the &nbsp;municipal team &nbsp;formed &nbsp;the &nbsp;basis &nbsp;of the &nbsp;empirical research. In addition, a comprehensive and&nbsp; qualitative approach was implemented through semi-structured interviews with &nbsp;resource persons &nbsp;and&nbsp; focus groups &nbsp;in 7 villages. &nbsp;This approach was complemented by 2 community and&nbsp; technical feedback &nbsp;workshops, which &nbsp;enriched the results &nbsp;obtained. These results &nbsp;show that &nbsp;there &nbsp;is a political will and&nbsp; a favorable predisposition on the part of farmers to adopt &nbsp;the zaï technology. The improvement in soil fertility &nbsp;and water retention capa city, the increase in yields and the rationalization of organic &nbsp;matter, which is often insufficient, are all factors in favor of zaï. However, &nbsp;the massive spread &nbsp;of zaï still faces a number of hurdles, the most important of which is the arduous nature of zaï. Consequently, we need to work on reducing this arduous task through appropriate mechanization. Ultimately, this study &nbsp;has contributed to a better understanding of the limiting &nbsp;factors &nbsp;of zaï and those &nbsp;that &nbsp;would &nbsp;contribute to its diffusion.</p> Sidy Tounkara Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 53 56 État de conservation de la forêt naturelle de Pobè au sud-est Bénin <p>After 25 years of co-management, the biological diversity of the natural forest of Pobè in Benin has not been updated. This study &nbsp;aims to assess t he conservation status &nbsp;of this protected ecosystem, which &nbsp;is subject &nbsp;to numerous anthropogenic pressures. The objectives are to re-evaluate the &nbsp;current area &nbsp;of the &nbsp;forest &nbsp;using &nbsp;remote &nbsp;sensing &nbsp;to obtain &nbsp;precise &nbsp;forest &nbsp;cover &nbsp;measurements, to&nbsp; conduct a comprehensive floristic &nbsp;inventory to&nbsp; describe &nbsp;its current plant &nbsp;compos ition &nbsp;and &nbsp;diversity, and &nbsp;to&nbsp; analyze &nbsp;the ecological &nbsp;and &nbsp;structural characteristics of the &nbsp;forest. &nbsp;The surveys &nbsp;were &nbsp;carried out &nbsp;in 56 square &nbsp;plots &nbsp;of 40 m*40 &nbsp;m, spaced &nbsp;at le ast 100 &nbsp;m apart, installed in a nearly uniform &nbsp;manner along &nbsp;the South-North or West-East axes, covering &nbsp;8.96 &nbsp;ha (7.17% &nbsp;of the total &nbsp;area). &nbsp;Within &nbsp;each &nbsp;plot, &nbsp;all tree &nbsp;species &nbsp;with &nbsp;a diameter at breast &nbsp;height (d.b.h.) ? 5 cm were recorded. The geographic coordinates of the center &nbsp;of each plot were recorded using a GPS. Diversity ind ices were calculated using R software &nbsp;version</p> <p>4.0.2, &nbsp;and the diameter distribution was fitted &nbsp;to the 3-parameter Weibull distribution using MINITAB version &nbsp;14. In total, &nbsp;69 tree species belonging to 62 genera &nbsp;and 26 families were inventoried, dominated by the Leguminosae family (including the subfamilies Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae and Papilionoidea). The stand &nbsp;density &nbsp;was 180 individuals/ha, with &nbsp;a basal &nbsp;area &nbsp;of 35.26 &nbsp;m²/ha and &nbsp;an average diameter of 39.11 &nbsp;cm. A socio -economic &nbsp;survey &nbsp;characterized the &nbsp;uses of the &nbsp;69 inventoried species, ensuring a fine analysis &nbsp;of the importance of forest resources for local communities. The diameter distribution fitted &nbsp;to the Weibull &nbsp;law has a sh ape parameter c = 1.17, typical &nbsp;of undisturbed natural forests. &nbsp;The forest &nbsp;area, &nbsp;re-evaluated using ArcGIS, is 125.5 &nbsp;hectares, showing &nbsp;a slight &nbsp;increase compared to the 115 hectares estimated in</p> <p>1995.&nbsp; </p> Romain Dadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 57 65 Manger la semoule du manioc (Gari) : une culture alimentaire du Bénin transposée à l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi <p>Food does not only fulfill a biological function to meet the nutritional needs of the body but constitutes one of the important supports for the construction and recognition of individual and &nbsp;collective &nbsp;identity under &nbsp;a cultural background. As such, &nbsp;the&nbsp; objective of this research is to describe &nbsp;the &nbsp;eating &nbsp;behavior of students of the &nbsp;University Campus &nbsp;of Abomey-Calavi &nbsp;in connection with &nbsp;the &nbsp;identity and &nbsp;cultural factors &nbsp;underlying the &nbsp;practice of mixing &nbsp;cassava &nbsp;semolina commonly called &nbsp;gari. &nbsp;Th is objective must &nbsp;make &nbsp;it possible &nbsp;to respond to the hypothesis that &nbsp;"Basic eating &nbsp;behaviors can be recovered and tran sposed &nbsp;into&nbsp; multi-identity and multicultural university spaces". Based on a qualitative approach, the research used the reasoned-choice sampling technique to interview forty-three people. &nbsp;These informants took part &nbsp;in semi-directive interviews supplemented by participant observations which &nbsp;gave a corpus &nbsp;analyzed by the approach of social interactions restored in three &nbsp;results. &nbsp;Fi rstly, &nbsp;to circumvent the &nbsp;financial accessibility of food, &nbsp;the &nbsp;Association &nbsp;of Nocturnal Delayers &nbsp;(ADN) was&nbsp; created, integrated into &nbsp;the &nbsp;Artistic &nbsp;and &nbsp;Cultural &nbsp;Ensemble &nbsp;of Students (EACE) to promote the &nbsp;feeding &nbsp;of cassava &nbsp;semolina (gari). &nbsp;These organizations bring &nbsp;together all categories of students to celebrate th e cassava &nbsp;flour &nbsp;festival &nbsp;(gari), &nbsp;a moment of conviviality that &nbsp;promotes a food culture that &nbsp;marks &nbsp;Beninese identity. Second, the results &nbsp;focus on the history &nbsp;of cassava &nbsp;production and its derivatives . Third, the results shed light on the costs of buying &nbsp;gari by measure, the order &nbsp;of the party &nbsp;of the best night &nbsp;mixer, the quanti ty needed, used and the prizes for the winners. As a result, &nbsp;food practices relating to cassava &nbsp;semolina (gari) &nbsp;food in academia enhance this staple &nbsp;food of Beninese&nbsp; and contribute to food se curity &nbsp;at the cost of the SDGs by 2030.</p> Pierre Codjo Meliho Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 66 76 Défis liés à l’adoption du biochar et du warrantage par les riziculteurs de Boukoumbé et de Zogbodomey <p>Despite the importance of rice in Benin, its production and marketing remain &nbsp;hampered by multiple constraints. To remedy &nbsp;this &nbsp;situation, initiatives and innovations have been introduced at the level of several &nbsp;rice-growing cooperatives through the Agricultural Council by certain NGOs. This article &nbsp;aims to highlight the challenges related to the &nbsp;adoption of biochar in a cooperative in the &nbsp;Koutangou village &nbsp;(Boukombé) and &nbsp;warrantage in a cooperative in the &nbsp;Avlamè &nbsp;vi llage &nbsp;(Zogbodomey). The purpose of introducing biochar was to improve &nbsp;soil fertility, while that &nbsp;of warrantage aimed &nbsp;to solve the problems of selling off crops and marke ting rice. This study &nbsp;was conducted through a qualitative research approach based &nbsp;on the &nbsp;study &nbsp;of perceptions through the &nbsp;realizati on of focus groups &nbsp;based &nbsp;on interview guides. &nbsp;The data &nbsp;collected were related to the factors &nbsp;of success and failure &nbsp;as well as those &nbsp;of the potentialities and challenges of the adoption of biocha r and warrantage as the case may be. The results showed &nbsp;that &nbsp;the use of biochar faces certain challenges, including the application of normal &nbsp;doses of chemical fertilizer whose &nbsp;purchasin g is a constraint in this area, &nbsp;and the &nbsp;need &nbsp;for secondary treatment for the &nbsp;biochar to " maturity" before &nbsp;its application. This la st constraint is poorly &nbsp;understood and &nbsp;seems &nbsp;difficult &nbsp;to respect &nbsp;for most farmers &nbsp;and &nbsp;the &nbsp;renewal costs of the &nbsp;PhilRice &nbsp;carbonizer offered &nbsp;by the &nbsp;NGO. Regarding warrantage, the &nbsp;challenges are linked &nbsp;to poor &nbsp;organization and &nbsp;poor &nbsp;control &nbsp;of the activity, failure &nbsp;to respect &nbsp;the payment of capital &nbsp;gains to members, parallel sale of products, and failure &nbsp;to respect &nbsp;the standards of quality &nbsp;by some members. Finally, the results &nbsp;showed &nbsp;that &nbsp;many &nbsp;challenges stem from a failure &nbsp;in the delivery &nbsp;of agricultural advi ce by NGOs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nestor Alokpaï Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 77 86 Les politiques agricoles de 2016 à 2021 au Bénin peuvent-elles être appropriées par les acteurs territoriaux ? <p>A la suite &nbsp;de chaque &nbsp;nouveau dirigeant, de nombreuses réformes &nbsp;politiques sont annoncées dans &nbsp;le secteur &nbsp;agricole. &nbsp;Celles ini tiées à partir de 2016 &nbsp;n’échappent pas à ce principe et les espoirs sont cette-fois très grands. &nbsp;Le secteur &nbsp;de l’agriculture a connu des reformes &nbsp;depuis les indépendances. A partir de 2016, ces reformes &nbsp;se sont accentuées au Bénin. La présente étude a cherché à comprendre si les politiques agricoles de 2016 à 2021 au Bénin peuvent être appropriées par les acteurs pour assurer &nbsp;les changements espérés &nbsp;dans &nbsp;ce secteur. Elle s’est intéressée à évaluer le niveau &nbsp;de la prise &nbsp;en compte &nbsp;de l’appropriation des reformes &nbsp;dans &nbsp;le secteur &nbsp;agricole &nbsp;au Bénin. &nbsp;Basée sur une démarche purement empirique, cette &nbsp;recherche s’est focalisée &nbsp;sur les documents politiques du secteur &nbsp;agricole &nbsp;pour &nbsp;présenter une synthèse des documents stratégiques et opérationnels des reformes &nbsp;et le mécanisme de l’appropriation qu’ils intègrent. Ensuite &nbsp;une analyse &nbsp;rapprochée avec le dispos itif du Projet &nbsp;d’Appui au Renforcement des Institutions dans le Secteur Agricole au Bénin a été faite pour mettre en évidence l’utilité de l’intervention de ce projet &nbsp;d ans l’appropriation des reformes &nbsp;du secteur &nbsp;agricole. De l’analyse des documents politiques du secteur &nbsp;agricole, &nbsp;trois piliers de l’appropriation ont été identifiés principalement dans les documents politiques nationaux. Il s’agit du pilier &nbsp;psycho-cognitif relatif &nbsp;à l’acquisition de nouvelles connaissances/ apprentissage ; du pilier &nbsp;psycho -politique relatif &nbsp;à la compétence et le rôle des acteurs et du pilier&nbsp; Rationnel se rapportant à la régulation et au contrôle.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mashoudou Ashanti Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 87 97 Evaluation of three maize (Zea mays L.) varieties for drought tolerance at reproductive stage in greenhouse <p>Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important food and feed crops in the world. But its production is faced by many constraints such as drought. This study aimed to<br>identify drought tolerant maize varieties. Three maize varieties were evaluated based on three irrigation frequencies. Experiment was conducted in randomized block<br>design with 3 replications. Three treatments namely T0 (control) was watered constantly, T1 and T2 stressed plants were watered continuously until they bolted. At bolting,<br>the stressed plants were irrigated at the following frequency: every 6 days (T1) and every 12 days (T2). Fertilizer was applied. Reproduction and yield component<br>parameters were evaluated. Performance of the Stability Index (SPI) and Stress Tolerance Index (STI) were also calculated. Data collected were subjected to one- or two-<br>factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared using the Student, Newman, and Keuls test. Statistical analyses were performed using the ''JMP Pro 12''<br>software. Results showed that under different irrigation frequencies, FAABA variety recorded a high value for weight of 100 grains (W100g) (33.980±2.90), Stress<br>Tolerance Index (STI) (0.752±0.23) and Stability Performance Index (SPI) (0.752±0.23). Based on Stress Tolerance Index (STI) value, AK 94 variety was the most affected<br>(sensitive) by water deficit contrary to FAABA variety which was the least affected (tolerant). Only SYNEE 2000 variety was moderate, as it has an intermediate behaviour.</p> Koffi David MONTCHA HAMBADA Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-07 2024-09-07 3 1 98 104