Occurrence of intra-crossing susceptibility polymorphism to Fusarium wilt in oil palm in Benin


  • Claudine Koussinou Ecole de Gestion et de Production Végétale et Semencières (EGPVS) de l’Université Nationale d’Agriculture (UNA), BP: 43 Kétou, (République du Bénin) & Centre de Recherches Agricoles-Plantes Pérennes (CRA-PP/ Pobè) de l’Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin (INRAB), BP: N°1-Pobè (République du Bénin)
  • Appolinaire ADANDONON Ecole de Gestion et de Production Végétale et Semencières (EGPVS) de l’Université Nationale d’Agriculture (UNA), BP: 43 Kétou, (République du Bénin)
  • Léifi Nodichao Centre de Recherches Agricoles-Plantes Pérennes (CRA-PP/ Pobè) de l’Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin (INRAB), BP: N°1-Pobè (République du Bénin)


Fusarim wilt is the most destructive pathology to oil palm production. It is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis. This study aims to determine the occurrence of the polymorphism of intra-cross susceptibility of oil palm to Fusarium wilt in Benin. Plants were observed during a survey in the experimental plots set by the “Centre de Recherche Agricole Plantes Pérennes” (CRA-PP), and soil samples were collected to confirm the causal agent in the laboratory. At the same time, a trial was set up at CRA-PP station using a complete random block design comprising 180 crosses with 8 replicates and 20 plants per experimental unit, i.e. a total of 28,800 plants. The results showed that out of 30 plants observed in the field seven presented external symptoms and 23 showed no visible symptoms. Also, the morphological parameters for the characterization of vascular Fusarium wilt revealed a variability within crosses (p <0.05). It was established that the number of leaves per plant, the number of discolored leaves per plant and the number of lesions per plant, characteristic of Fusarium wilt, are correlated with the xylem coloration (p <0.001). In addition, the analysis of variance revealed significant differences between individuals within the same cross (intra-cross variation) for the number of leaves per plant and the color of the xylem (p <0.05), the latter being the main crossover discrimination parameter. This intra-cross variation suggests a polymorphism of susceptibility to infection, and is responsible for the fluctuations in results obtained from one screening test to another. However, the genetic causes of this intra-cross variation can serve as a basis for selection in oil palm breeding programs for resistance to Fusarium wilt.


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How to Cite

Koussinou, C., ADANDONON , A. . ., & Nodichao, L. (2021). Occurrence of intra-crossing susceptibility polymorphism to Fusarium wilt in oil palm in Benin. Sciences and Technologies for Substainable Agriculture, 1(1), 9-18. Retrieved from https://stsa.una.bj/index.php/st/article/view/50



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