Défis liés à l’adoption du biochar et du warrantage par les riziculteurs de Boukoumbé et de Zogbodomey
Nestor Alokpaï a, ?, Fresnel Etcho a, Julien Tandanon a
Rice; biochar; warrantage; agricultural advice; BeninAbstract
Despite the importance of rice in Benin, its production and marketing remain hampered by multiple constraints. To remedy this situation, initiatives and innovations have been introduced at the level of several rice-growing cooperatives through the Agricultural Council by certain NGOs. This article aims to highlight the challenges related to the adoption of biochar in a cooperative in the Koutangou village (Boukombé) and warrantage in a cooperative in the Avlamè vi llage (Zogbodomey). The purpose of introducing biochar was to improve soil fertility, while that of warrantage aimed to solve the problems of selling off crops and marke ting rice. This study was conducted through a qualitative research approach based on the study of perceptions through the realizati on of focus groups based on interview guides. The data collected were related to the factors of success and failure as well as those of the potentialities and challenges of the adoption of biocha r and warrantage as the case may be. The results showed that the use of biochar faces certain challenges, including the application of normal doses of chemical fertilizer whose purchasin g is a constraint in this area, and the need for secondary treatment for the biochar to " maturity" before its application. This la st constraint is poorly understood and seems difficult to respect for most farmers and the renewal costs of the PhilRice carbonizer offered by the NGO. Regarding warrantage, the challenges are linked to poor organization and poor control of the activity, failure to respect the payment of capital gains to members, parallel sale of products, and failure to respect the standards of quality by some members. Finally, the results showed that many challenges stem from a failure in the delivery of agricultural advi ce by NGOs.
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