Stratégies d’adaptation aux contraintes agro-climatiques dans l’arrondissement de Zounguè, commune de Dangbo au Bénin

Akibou Abaniché Akindele a, ?, Lazare Léoboui Sodegla b, Sagbo Alain Zinsou c


  • Akibou Abaniché Akindele


Zounguè district, agro-climatic constraint, agricultural production


Climatic  constraints are a brake  on the development of agricultural production. As long as agriculture remains essentially ra in-fed, the agro-climatic parameters present it with  constraining particularities. The purpose of this  work  is to contribute to a better knowledge of the  climatic  constraints which  affect  agricultural production in the district of Zounguè.  The methodological approach used is based  on the identification of the data  used, the collection of data  through documentary research and fieldwork, their  processing and  the  analysis  of the  results  carried out  by means  of the  SWOT (Strenghs-Weaknesses-Opportunities) model.  -Threats). Data  was  collected from  73 agricultural producers in the  study  area.  The results  obtained show  that  producers have  a number of natural and  human potentialities for agricultural development. However,  these potentialities are under  the influence of certain agricultural and climatic  conditions which have drastically affected  the production of farmers.  Among these constraints, we can retain  in order  of their  importance the climatic  constraints (40%);  the anthropogenic or human constraints (38%)  and  the constraints of pests (22%). Faced with thse constraints, the farmers  of Zouguè develop  strategies to cope with.  These are endo genous  strategies which  include  rearrangement of agricultural calendar, crop rotation, developpment of lowlands, associations of crops and auctionning of field perimeters and developpment of alternative activities. Modern  strategies highlight the use of short-cycle varieties, the use of chemical fertilizers and phytosaitary products.



How to Cite

Akindele, A. A. . (2024). Stratégies d’adaptation aux contraintes agro-climatiques dans l’arrondissement de Zounguè, commune de Dangbo au Bénin: Akibou Abaniché Akindele a, ?, Lazare Léoboui Sodegla b, Sagbo Alain Zinsou c. Sciences and Technologies for Substainable Agriculture, 3(1), 21-28. Retrieved from



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